Search Engine Optimization
Combining a visually impressive website with effective SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the Holy Grail of website owners – appearing on page one of internet search engine results like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Everybody’s used these engines to find something at one time or another and you wonder why specific sites appear so early on? The simple answer is good and effective SEO work. Without this it is the same as having a shop a mile from the center of town. If people don’t already know you exist, they are unlikely to find you unless by chance.
So, what happens when you combine a visually impressive website with intelligent and effective SEO? The simple answer is, you get more ‘hits’, A LOT MORE. These are people who have noticed your shop window and decided to come in and have a look around... There is no Divine Right to who appears at the top of searches on the internet, it is just down to professionals who know and understand SEO, people like at Fifty3 Innovations.
Here at Fifty3 Innovations we know that all search engines (annoyingly and infuriatingly) keep changing their algorithms (that sounds like strange underwear but it’s just a fancy word for rules), and to keep at the top of search engine results yes, you guessed it, you need an SEO expert. Well there wouldn’t be much point in writing this web copy if the answer was a plumber, would it. Yes, we are unashamedly telling you that YOU NEED Fifty3 Innovations! At Fifty3 Innovations, our SEO work includes:
Investigation of visible website content with recommended modifications
Examination of meta tags and title tags in your source code with suggested alterations
Comprehensive inward bound link report and link construction suggestions
Keyword research on your targeted keywords and phrases
Keyword competitor comparison (what are your contenders doing correct?)
Formation of Google Analytics Website Stats and Webmaster Tools accounts if considered necessary
Creation of Google Local (Google Maps) and Yahoo Local listings if desirable
Manual capitulation of website to Google, Yahoo , Bing etc.
Establishment of search engine responsive site map
Construction of most advantageous robots.txt file
Image alt tag optimization suggestions
Making of custom 404 error page if required